1 Examples of money-making mom blogs
When you thought about starting a money-making mom blog, the second thing came into your mind is, do mom blog actually make money ?
How do I make money as mom blogger?
So, before we dig deeper into how to start a mom blog and make money from it, let’s see the examples of some money-making mom blogs.
There blogs are successful in mom blog industry and generate passive income from it.
According to a report shared by easy baby life in 2017, the income of this blog was around 4,000$ monthly.
Easy baby life share tips on pregnancy, breastfeeding and childcare.
It was started by Paula Dennholt after her first baby, she started this blog to share mom tips with other parents.
According to their income reports, Swaddles n’ Bottles made $8,100 in November 2017 and $11,180 in December 2017.
This blog is focused on the topics of new born baby, delivery and breastfeeding.
The realistic mama blog earn $20k monthly according to their income report.
This blog share content on parenting tips, marriage advice, die project ideas and making income form home as mom.
The blog was started by mom Alida and when she get tremendous success in her blog, her husband quit his job to help her running the website.
2 Step by step guide on How to start a mom blog for beginners.
Choose your micro-niche
If you are going to start a money-making mom blog and you think, mom topic is your niche then you are wrong.
There are so many niches fall under the main broad niche of mom topic.
Always focus on narrowing down your niche and select very small topic instead of targeting broad topics.
If you choose a micro-niche and start working on it, it will be a lot easier for you to monetize your blog and earn income.
Every micro niche blog has very specific audience base that is deeply interested in the topic.
If you work on micro niche then it will be a lot easier for you to find and target audience, keep them engage with your blog.
When selecting a micro niche for a mom blog, focus on the answer of three following questions.
What I am passionate about?
Is there a need for my niche?
Can I monetize this niche?
In the table below I have given the Examples of micro niches in mom blog.
Pregnancy Niche Ideas
New Mom Niche Ideas
Parenting Niche Ideas
Working Mom Niche Ideas
Combination of Niche Ideas
What to expect when pregnant
Childbirth and mom care
Kids / Teen care
Finding quality time for kids
Children and finances
Planning, support & saving money
Step-parenting challenges
Organizing home, family, and office
Managing teens and romance
Understanding natural birth & cesarean
Lose weight after baby
Single-parenting tips
Working women’s health issues
Gardening with children
Managing weight, skin rashes, and other health issues
Baby safety
Healthy eating for kids
Parenting advice for the busy mom
Sports and children
Care at different baby stages
Books for toddlers
Crafts for kids
Relationships advice
Choose a money-making mom blog name
Now it’s time to be a little creative and come up with your mom blog name.
Including the name like mum, mom, mummy in your blog name will make it easy to remember.
A good mom blog name is short simple and easy to remember.
It’s the identity of your blog, you blog name should describe what your blog it about.
Avoid using a blog name that is hard to spell, and contain offensive words that are not related to your niche.
Let’s see the few examples of mom blog…
Tech-savvy mama
Rookie moms
Kids eat in colour
After choosing your mom blog niche and coming up with the idea of blog name now it’s time to get web hosting, domain name and set up your WordPress website to start a mom blog and make money from it.
I have written the comprehensive guide on these technical topics that will help you to start money making mom blog.
Click on the links below and read the step by step guide to set up your mom blog.
WordPress hosting & domain name
Setup wordpress website
Publish the content on your mom blog
After completing all the setup of your mom blog, now it’s time to plan, create and publish content.
If you are totally beginner then you won’t have an idea of what type of content your targeted audience will love to see.
Even if you have an ideas but you are unable to find the direction of what you should write exactly… then don’t worry!
It’s obvious.
I am going to show you few simple and easy steps to come up with tons of mom blog post ideas.
1. Spy your competitors
The mom blogs who are already successful, have knowledge of what type of content your audience will like.
Search for the main keyword of your mom niche into the google and visit the top ranking sites, see carefully what types of content they are publishing, which topics they prefer.
If you are unable to find your competitors manually, use SEO tools like Ahref and SEMrush to research your competitors, find their top-performing posts.
2. Find what is trending
Sharing the ideas on current trending post is the best way to quickly attract the audience and generate traffic to your new blog.
BuzzSumo is great tool that will suggest you all the trending topics under your niche, you just have to enter and search for your keywords and you will get tons of trending blogpost related to your topic.
3. Use QNA sites
Using QNA sites like Quora and Reddit is the best way to search for the quarries that other moms are looking into your topic.
Targeting those quarries into your content, will help you to expose your new blog in front of people that are actually interested in the product or service you are offering.
Generate traffic on your mom blog
After doing everything right the last step you would want to get tons of relevant and high-quality traffic on your blog to generate a steady flow of income.
Let me tell you some quick and easy way to generate tons of relevant traffic.
1. Join forums
There are tons of forums on the internet related to mom’s quarries and the question answers on parenting topics.
You can join and involve into the conversion and drive people from there to your blog.
2. Build your Email list
Your most of the targeted audience are busy business women and housewives.
Who rarely get time to visit blog regularly, building a list of your audience will help you to send your new blogs directly into their inbox.
You can also use email list to promote your products and services.
Tip – you can’t directly ask for someone’s email no matter how much value you provide.
You can create a useful lead magnet and place it over your blog, to grab the emails of your audience.
Social media marketing is another great way to connect with your audience and provide valuable content in the form of media.
Plan a content posting schedule for your social media account in advance and stay consistent to it, will help you to win the social media marketing.
Design attention-grabbing and engaging social media post with the help of free image design tools like Canva can skyrocket your social media marketing journey.
4. Guest post on other mom blog
Guest posting is not only useful to generate tons of relevant traffic directly from other successful mom blog but it also helps in boosting search engine ranking.
You just have to find the right target website to guest post on and send them pitch email for guest posting request.
I have written this comprehensive guide on guest blogging . Read this guide start your journey with guest posting.
Monetize your mom blog
Starting a mom blog as a hobby is great but you won’t dislike earning the flow of constant income from your micro-niche mom blog.
Anyone can start a blog, but growing it over the time and make it sustainable is hard.
It take times and efforts.
Every niche has its own methods to monetize and earn money.
Apart from the traditional monetizing methods, you can use the following ways to make money from your blog.
1. Coaching & consulting
You can use your knowledge and experience to train others on the topic of childcare, babysitting, breast-feeding and special child care etc.
There are many modern business women looking for a source to learn the skills like baby feeding, healthy eating for baby etc.
If you find only few right client on monthly basis then you earn a pretty income.
Let’s see the example
24/7 Moms , this blog offer the coaching services on the mom topics across the world.
2. Sell your own products
If you can manage to create your own products such as soft toys, baby care product etc., selling them directly from your blog will generate a good passive income.
However, you will have to maintain the inventory and production unit, but you can use Amazon FBA to maintain your inventory or you can outsource any good customer care services.
For example –
This blog, “wellness mama ” offer its own range of daily use essentials related to baby care.
3. Selling guide and E-books
Building your own info product, like E-books, and guide etc. take a lot of time and efforts but it’s one of the best ways to start a mom blog and make money from it.
You can choose any specific topic under your niche and create a valuable product that your audience will love to read and buy.
For example –
DR. Laura is selling one of the most famous book on parenting topic directly on her blog, “Aha! Parenting ”