4 How to start an amazon affiliate website?
1. Choose a good niche
There are some big affiliate sites that are making tons of affiliate commission and they are just like another amazon website. But they are in the market for years and they have teams of SEO experts, content creators, and site managers.
If you will create your site similar to big websites then you will have to compete with them and you will not be able to succeed no matter how hard you try.
To run a successful Amazon affiliate site you will have to choose and stick with one niche with no or little competition and huge potential.
Try to find your best niche based on following points.
A. Find something you’re interested in
When people start any kind of blog or website, they have high motivation but after some time their motivation gets down and they lost interest. This is a very common problem with affiliate marketers too.
If you don’t want to stick in such problem then you will have to find a niche based on your interest.
The best way to do it is, grab a pen and paper and visit amazon.com, then write down the categories in which you are interested.
Additionally, there are so many things you need to look after while choosing the best niche for your amazon affiliate site. I have written the following article to give you an in-depth guide on niche selection.
5 Tips To Choose A Profitable Niche For Your Blog In 2022
B. Check commission rates
Before you choose any niche and start promoting any product, I would recommend you cross-check the commission rate list. Amazon offers different commission rates for different categories.
Here is the commission rate list of amazon.

If you see any product category that has a 0% commission rate, make sure you cut it down. There is no point to work on a niche that has no reward.
Also, avoid the category which has less than or equal to a 2 % commission rate. Because you will need to generate lots of traffic to earn good affiliate income.
C. Check product prices
Product price is also a critical factor to consider while choosing a niche. Most beginner affiliate marketers think if they will promote high-end products, they will earn a high commission rate.
But the conversion rate of high-end products is very low as compared to low price products. No one will buy 1000$ laptop upfront without doing too much research about it.
If someone is reading blogs about the high-end product on your amazon affiliate site, it doesn’t mean they will buy from there. So even after creating the best amazon affiliate site, you won’t make affiliate sales.
On the other hand, if you promote very low price products, your earning will suffer. Even after selling many product units, you will make only a small amount of profit.
So you will have to find the perfect ratio between high and low end priced products.
Ration of 30$-300$ is best. Make sure the products you are promoting are under this price range.
D. Estimate traffic requirements
In order to get success in affiliate marketing, you must plan your steps properly, you must have clear goals with your website. It will allow you to measure your success over time.
Although, no one can know the exact amount of money they will be earning it is also best to get an estimated idea.
Always start with small goals, it will keep you motivated when you start reaching goals one by one, and then you can expand those goals and make them bigger.
To hit the goals of your desired earning level, you will have to know the amount of traffic you need.
You can easily guess the estimated traffic required based on the following calculation.
Suppose you want to earn 1000$ monthly via your amazon affiliate website. If the product price you are promoting is, 200$ and the commission rate is 5% then you make 10$ commission on each sale. So you will need to sell 100 units of product to make 1000$ affiliate commission.
Now you need to know how much traffic you will need to make 100 sales. You can guess it based on the conversion rate which is considered 3%. So you need 10K estimated traffic to make 100 sales and 1000$ affiliate commission.
E. Estimate competition
There is no point to work on a niche in which you will have to spend years and tons of money to get the estimated traffic required.
SEO is a complicated and slow process, and you don’t want to compete with big sites which have a team of qualified SEO experts.
Before you finalize a niche, you must run it through google and see if the sites ranking already, are a high authority?
It’s also called competitive analysis for affiliate marketing, you can read this article to get into details.
Guide to Affiliate Marketing Competitive Analysis and Intelligence
If you find there is huge competition out there and you will not be able to beat your opponents then you have two options.
- Niche down further – If you were going to focus on health devices, you must focus only on specific health devices such as fitness bands and heart monitor devices. Once your niche down further, run the competitive analysis again to check if the competition is low or not. If you still see huge competition then you can niche down further such as MI fitness bands or Fitbit etc.
- Change the niche – if narrowing down doesn’t make sense for your niche and if it doesn’t seem the right option for you then you must change your niche and repeat all the steps above until you find the right niche.
2. Buy domain name and webhosting
I guess you are already familiar with domain names and web-hosting. Since you are going to start a small niche-based amazon affiliate site, I recommend you to buy an exact matching domain. This way you will get an SEO benefit.
You can buy any good web-hosting that meets your requirements, there are so many types of web-hosting available in the market and no hosing is good and bad, it all depends on your needs and budget. You can also migrate hosting later when your site starts growing.
We have mention the affiliate links in our content but unlike the other bloggers we don’t force promote to go for expensive hosting to earn more commission, that’s why we don’t recommend you to buy site ground or any major hosting’s business plan.
We recommend you to go for Bluehost WordPress web-hosting, it cost you as low as 3.95$ monthly if you buy for 36 month

Buy from here to avail 70% Discount – Bluehost
Read this detailed article on domain name and web-hosting to get a clear idea of the domain, types of hosting, and available options for you.
How To Buy A Domain And Hosting For WordPress Website
3. Design site navigation
Every website has a different kind of navigation, if you will visit any e-commerce site you will find tons of products on the home page with different selling tags. But as an affiliate, you don’t want to build another site that looks similar to amazon.
Always keep one thing in your mind, “people don’t land on your site to buy from you to do a favor to your site, they search for their quarries (it might be a product review or problem-related to the product you are promoting).” So you will have to design your site navigation accordantly.
As an Amazon affiliate, you will be publishing a blog post containing your affiliate links, I recommend you create a different page for the blog section and products.
You will need to plan your content strategy and publish outstanding content (we are going to discuss this point in the section below) on your blog pages, these pages of your site will generate organic traffic directly from google and drive people to your affiliate site.
If you have the best content on your amazon affiliate site then you don’t even need to mention affiliate links in your blog post. You need to satisfy user intent and help them solve their queries and answer their questions then people will visit your product pages and buy from there when they will be satisfied with your content.